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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 4, pp. 573-787

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The Bordering Algorithm and Path Following Near Singular Points of Higher Nullity

Herbert B. Keller

pp. 573-582

Iterative Solution of Linear Equations in ODE Codes

C. W. Gear and Y. Saad

pp. 583-601

A Set of Counter-Examples to Three Condition Number Estimators

A. K. Cline and R. K. Rew

pp. 602-611

An Extrapolation Method for the Numerical Solution of Singular Perturbation Problems

F. C. Hoppensteadt and W. L. Miranker

pp. 612-625

An Application of Mixed Finite Element Methods to the Stability of the Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equation

Janet S. Peterson

pp. 626-634

Type-Insensitive ODE Codes Based on Extrapolation Methods

Lawrence F. Shampine

pp. 635-644

Accurate Monotonicity Preserving Cubic Interpolation

James M. Hyman

pp. 645-654

Multigrid Algorithms for the Solution of Linear Complementarity Problems Arising from Free Boundary Problems

Achi Brandt and Colin W. Cryer

pp. 655-684

Numerical Study of Incompressible Slightly Viscous Flow Past Blunt Bodies and Airfoils

A. Y. Cheer

pp. 685-705

A Space-Efficient Recursive Procedure for Estimating a Quantile of an Unknown Distribution

Luke Tierney

pp. 706-711

Improving the Accuracy of Computed Singular Values

J. J. Dongarra

pp. 712-719

Approximating Conditional Moments of the Multivariate Normal Distribution

Joseph G. Deken

pp. 720-732

A New Class of Cyclic Multistep Formulae for Stiff Systems

P. Tischer and R. Sacks-Davis

pp. 733-747

An Algorithm for the Single Facility Location Problem Using the Jaccard Metric

G. A. Watson

pp. 748-756

A Descent Algorithm for Minimizing Polyhedral Convex Functions

D. I. Clark and M. R. Osborne

pp. 757-786

Erratum: A Generalized Eigenvalue Approach for Solving Riccati Equations

P. Van Dooren

p. 787